Monday, October 12, 2015


-to get a CURVED arrow at the Start of a curved line you must get the pen tool create a line click and hold the middle to create the curve then using the tool bar above click on "window" then stroke.
- once you have clicked on stroke place the arrow in the beginning of the line by choosing the box on the left side for the type of arrow to choose
-to get an ORGANIC shape with the pen tool start by clicking the mouse and holding the mouse button, once you make your line as long as it needs to be, that is when you let go of the button and the line will curve any way you want until you click one more time

-when making this kind of line, You must go and choose your pen tool and create a normal curved line. once you are done with that you go to WINDOW and click on STROKE, it will show you a box with many options on what to do with your line. by clicking spaces, you can choose to turn your line into a dotted line.
- you can control every thing from the thickness of the line to how far apart you want the spaces to be.

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