Monday, August 24, 2015

  Introduce Yourself:

 My Name is Reuben Altamirano, I am 21 years old and am attending Arizona Western College here in Yuma Arizona. I love all types of art, skateboarding, and making art myself

 What is your Major:

 My major is in Graphic Design, my goals in taking this graphics class is to have basic understanding of computer software systems like Photoshop and just learn more about computer graphics in general, so I could be more prepared with how to use modern technology.

What University are you going to continue education

After I am finished with my education in Arizona Western College, I plan to continue my education at A.S.U.

What kind of Experience with Graphics/Design

I do have past experience in painting and drawing, but none on Graphics.

 Vacation Spot

                                                                                              the perfect vacation spot to be in would be
                                                                                                any of the islands of Hawaii because of
                                                                                                their consistent warm weather.



1 comment:

  1. It's funny how most of the people from Yuma try to escape the warm weather yet you embrace it x)
